
Endodontics deals with dental treatment of diseases of the dental pulp, in which there are nerves and blood vessels, keeping the tooth alive. Root canal treatment is often the only possibility to preserve tooth extraction that should always be the last option. The proper dental care and control allow for long­term maintenance of your own tooth as well as constitute a solid framework for the crown or bridge pillar on the classic restorations and those created on the basis of dental implants.

The essence of the root canal treatment is the removal from the chamber and root canal diseased pulp, mechanical widening and disinfection tight channels and filling them with special materials.
To ensure maximum comfort to the patient, lack of pain and efficiency dental procedure is performed under local anaesthesia.
Dental Treatment Name
Anterior root canal treatment (with filling)
€550 - €650
Pre molar root canal treatment (with filling)
€700 - €800
Molar root canal treatment (with filling)
€800 - €900
Dental Treatment Name
Anterior root canal treatment (with filling)
€550 - €650
Pre molar root canal treatment (with filling)
€700 - €800
Molar root canal treatment (with filling)
€800 - €900
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Dental clinic in Dublin
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Ph: 01 444 3370 / 087 320 1900
E: info@luxdent.ie
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