General Dentistry

Dentistry includes all the mouth treatments whose aim is to ensure the health of the teeth as their appearance and aesthetic improvement. They occur in different fields of dentistry: prosthodontics, orthodontics, dental implants and endodontics.

A typical procedure in the field of dentistry is the teeth cleaning which helps in maintaining proper oral hygiene and protects against carries. The conservative dental treatment using modern composite materials can improve the appearance of discolored, damaged teeth.
We encourage our patients to regularly check up teeth in our dental clinic to prevent cavities enjoying the beautiful healthy smile.
General dentistry
Dental Treatment Name
Full check up
Consultation with the Xray
Tooth Filling Composite Reisins (White Filling)
€120 - €200
Tooth Filling after Root Canal treatment
€150 - €250
Scale & polish
Teeth Scaling + Polishing with ProFi-Flex Powder
Deep cleaning
€200 per quadrant
Teeth whitening
Home kit whitening
Dental Panoramic/Lateral X-ray
One unit Xray
Stitches removal

General dentistry

Dental Treatment Name
Full check up
Consultation with the Xray
Tooth Filling Composite Reisins (White Filling)
€120 - €200
Tooth Filling after Root Canal treatment
€150 - €250
Scale & polish
Teeth Scaling + Polishing with ProFi-Flex Powder
Deep cleaning
€200 per quadrant
Teeth whitening
Home kit whitening
Dental Panoramic/Lateral X-ray
One unit Xray
Stitches removal
Book appointment or ask your question about our services
Dental clinic in Dublin
Contact us:
Ph: 01 444 3370 / 087 320 1900
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