
Orthodontics is a part of general dentistry that deals with the correction of incorrect alignment of teeth and jaws. Benefits of orthodontic treatment include improved oral health, improve appearance, and a better chance to keep your teeth for a lifetime. Malocclusion are more than an aesthetic problem – they are also a serious health problem.

The most common form of orthodontic treatment are fixed braces. It gently moves teeth to correct position. This makes it possible to correct biting defects. We are using them for teenagers and adults (less for younger children). The brackets may be metal, the color of the tooth – cream or transparent. The advantage of fixed braces is that they do not require the patient to remember to put them on, they are glued to the teeth for the entire treatment period of about 2 years, after which they are detachable.
Fixed appliances give clinicians a very precise alignment of the teeth in the desired position. The periodic visits should be every 4/5 weeks.
Dental Treatment Name
Dentists consultation
Metal braces (Periodic visit every 4 weeks) one arch
€750 - €1500*
No ligature braces (Periodic visit every 8 weeks)
€1300 - €2600*
Porcelain braces (Periodic visit every 4 weeks)
€1000 - €2000*
Periodic visit one arch Dental Clinic Dublin LUXDENT patients
€70 - €140*
Periodic visit one arch other patients
€100 - €200*
Removing braces / Retention pate / Chain one jaw Dental Clinic Dublin LUXDENT patients
€150 - €300*
Removing braces / Retention pate / Chain one jaw other patients
€200 - €400*
Herbst appliance
Micro dental implants
Control visit after dental treatment
Clearaligner (per set)
*One / two arches
Dental Treatment Name
Dentists consultation
Metal braces (Periodic visit every 4 weeks) one arch
€750 - €1500*
No ligature braces (Periodic visit every 8 weeks)
€1300 - €2600*
Porcelain braces (Periodic visit every 4 weeks)
€1000 - €2000*
Periodic visit one arch Dental Clinic Dublin LUXDENT patients
€70 - €140*
Periodic visit one arch other patients
€100 - €200*
Removing braces / Retention pate / Chain one jaw Dental Clinic Dublin LUXDENT patients
€150 - €300*
Removing braces / Retention pate / Chain one jaw other patients
€200 - €400*
Herbst appliance
Micro dental implants
Control visit after dental treatment
Clearaligner (per set)
*One / two arches
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Dental clinic in Dublin
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Ph: 01 444 3370 / 087 320 1900
E: info@luxdent.ie
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